Community groups
What's happening in our Church Community

Zoom Morning Prayer
From July through to Thanksgiving, we meet Thursdays from 9:30–10:05. From Thanksgiving through to the end of June, we meet Mondays through Thursdays from 9:30-10:05. We follow a Morning Prayer service from Mission St. Clare, with Scripture reading, guided and free prayer, hymns, and time for reflection/meditation. Please contact the office to be sent a zoom link or a phone number to participate in the zoom meeting

Zoom Bible Conversation
Meets Tuesday nights from 7:30-8:20pm. We read and then discuss the Gospel lesson from Sunday. Please contact the office to be sent a zoom link or a phone number to participate in the zoom meeting.

Course: What is the Gospel?
In this course, we will be using a book by Emeritus Professor John Bowen, called, "The Unfolding Gospel: How the Good News Makes Sense of Discipleship, Church, Mission, and Everything Else." Church used to be a central gathering point for most Canadians. It was assumed that the Christian faith was explained, learned and understood somewhere between Sunday School and church liturgies. The last 50 years have demonstrated we have failed to communicate just what the Christian faith is; what the Gospel is; why it matters; and how it is distinct from other ways of understanding our world and our place in it. The central task of this course will be to understand the core claims of the Christian faith and if these matter, why they matter. Days and times to be determined for this coming fall, 2022.

Pastoral Discussion with the Reverend Leigh Evan Silcox
If you are interested in matters of faith, have questions, concerns or particular interests, or are interested in learning more about Scripture, or church history, please phone the office or email Rev. Silcox.

Horizon’s Mental Health and Wellness (on zoom)
A confidential group meeting in which to discuss issues of personal and family and/or friend mental health and wellness. We meet Monday evenings every month to six weeks depending upon the schedules of those attending, from 7-8:30pm.
Please contact the office to be sent a zoom link or a phone number to participate in the zoom meeting