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The Stones around our hearts

Writer's picture: Church of the IncarnationChurch of the Incarnation

I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when I was three. For most of my life, I’ve read or heard about new potential cures for diabetes that are, ‘just around the corner.’ How great would it be to be able to produce my own insulin again; to not have to rely on machines and synthetic hormones to keep me alive? When I first heard about one of these potential treatments I was really excited. But as the years and then decades wore on, the idea that there was any cure for my illness faded, frankly, into a kind of cynicism. Yeah right, I say now. I’ll believe it when I see it. 

So I really get it when Peter, James, John and Andrew say, “Jesus, you say that these buildings of the synagogue are going to be torn down, the old ways that don’t work, that don’t bring us to truth, or justice or holiness, are going to be torn down, that something great, something that heals will take their place. When oh when is this going to happen?” "Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign that all these things are about to be accomplished?"

But instead of telling them when justice, holiness and healing will come, Jesus tells them: “beware that no one leads you astray.” Jesus knows that they’re going to be tempted by others who will come claiming that they are bringing about healing, that they can provide the true path to God, to happiness, to an escape from war, poverty, and violence - much like we hear prosperity gospel preachers promise people today: just give your life to God and you’ll have all the material goods you need and you will not suffer. The one proclaiming this of course seeks power and control; those who are tempted by it seek relief and a reason to keep going. What incredibly powerful motivations. These are of course the exact things Satan tempted Jesus with when the Holy Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert. 

As if looking right into our present moment (which is actually pretty much the same repeated moment of every century), Jesus says, don’t be led astray even when you see these things: “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. This is but the beginning of the birth pangs.” Do not be tempted by false prophets who come in the form of religious leaders, business leaders or politicians. Just like you, they do not know the time - although many of them will tell you the end times are here - they are liars. Do not let them frighten you so that they can fool you and lead you right into the devil’s laboratory where your mind becomes warped to the dictates of those who lead on the basis of hatred, fear, power, and control. 

I will show you by laying down my life for you - dying at your hands, at the hands of my own people - that coercion and worldly power leads only to death. Life, truth, holiness, and healing is received in letting go, going up to God and following this God come to us in Jesus Christ - who overcame the false ways this world works. Follow this Christ who walks among us and in so doing, will tear down - literally and figuratively - will destroy the stones of our buildings and the stones in our hearts that we build up to endure the trials of this life. 

But with the disciples, we do not know when this will occur. We only know that it has already been accomplished in what Christ has done on the Cross and in his resurrection and ascension to God’s right hand where he stands as judge with power over all things. This should not cause us fear or insecurity. Instead, if we can hold fast to this promise, it can inspire us in the assurance of his eternal life, to sustain our faith. To seek God’s way and God’s will in prayer, by reading and paying attention and being formed by his own self communication given to us in Scripture, by letting go of the things we use to protect ourselves and making way for the birth of God’s ways in forming how we think about the circumstances we find ourselves in, and most importantly, how we respond. 

Do not lose heart in the midst of calamities, losses, and a confusion about what to do next. Do not become cynical or bitter for this is to be led astray, to bow to the ways this world values things and people. Instead, open your minds and your bibles to see how God has already responded to all the situations in which we find ourselves. Seek his will and his way not just in one passage, but in the whole of the Scriptures. Seek him, and you will find that just as Satan gave up on Job and gave up on Jesus, so his tower of stones around your heart, soul and mind, will be torn down by your faithful following of Jesus. AMEN

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